N11 Sellers' Office

Web App • 2020
Product Design, UX&UI Lead


N11 is one of Turkey's top marketplaces. It had 80,000 active sellers at the time the new designs were rolling out. They expected to double that by the end of the global pandemic.

Project Brief:

Redesigning the existing product while adding new key features. Also, designing the new flows as seamless and friction-free as possible to not disrupt current users' daily actions.


Worked extensively on the discovery phase. Interviewed tens of merchants to create the best user personas and identify the current pain/gain points. Worked on the massive data collected in the discovery phase to develop the upgraded product. Supported with feature-by-feature competitor analysis and validated by further stakeholder interviews.

Led UX/UI design efforts; designed the main flows, wireframes, user-testing scenarios, prototypes, and all the processes until the handoff.

Designed an assistant that actively suggests the next steps on onboarding and the daily routine of users, which then became one of the main components of the product.

Layout & features breakdown:

I analyzed and cross-matched all the pages in the current product, including benchmarked competitors, to see how we and our competitors present data and features.

Flow charts:

I documented and redesigned all the important user journeys.

Redesign example:

Here is the old and new look of the Dashboard.

More examples:

There are more than hundreds of pages in Figma, either unique or showing a specific state of content and forms.

Fully responsive:

The front end is fully responsive, from portrait mobile to landscape horizontal screens.


